Ananthana gantu rangoli

lakshmiraghu's picture
About Ananthana gantu rangoli : PRINT

Ananthana gantu rangoli is drawn during Ananth vrath pooja. It is drawn on a plate/wood which is placed inside the mantap on which rice/wheat is spread, and kalasha is placed for the worship.

The dots for this rangoli are 15/15, straight dots (neru pulli).

Rangoli: Ananthana gantu  rangoli


Lata's picture

Thank you for the fast response Lakshmi, the rangoli looks so beautiful! Are there any rules about using certain colors (since this is for the anathana vratham), or could we use any colors?

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lata ,usually five colours is sacred.iam sorry i did not have one more colour(black )five colours are to be used for all vratha rangolis. it is called(panchavarna rangolis)thank u so much lata.

TasteofMysore's picture

Dear Lata and Lakshmi,
This is a beautiful Rangoli. One of my blog reader had asked for this rangoli. I will direct them here. Thanks so much.

lakshmiraghu's picture

lakshmi(TasteofMysore) thanks for ur greetings.


hello lakshmi
this is just beautiful rangoli, can u please post traditional rangoli patterns like lakshmi paada, shankha chakra and lakshmi rangoli to draw in front of deity's in pooja room. thanks

lakshmiraghu's picture

Artahi,thanks for ur interest as of now i hv already posted one rangoli it is available in my gallery page number 6-(Shri Ram)i will post some more. thank u

anaga reddy's picture

lakshmi it looks so beautiful!!!nice one

lakshmiraghu's picture

anaga thank u soooooo much

priya rao's picture

Wow!!!!!!!!it is very beautiful.. very bright also thanks for sharing with us

lakshmiraghu's picture

Priya thanks alot

padma55's picture

Helo lakshmi very nice rangoli.iam searching this rangolifrom long time thank you madam sharing with us

lakshmiraghu's picture

padma thank u so much padma.u rightly called it as a bank,hpoe u will also deposit ur creations

padma55's picture

Lata madam iam searching this rangoli from long time thank you ,this is excelent is A KOLAM BANK!!

Lata's picture

Hi Padma,
Thank you for your kind words. You said it right, it is a kolam bank because of all the members who take the time to share their beautiful creations! I can't wait to add your name to the gallery too Padma Smile

padma_vathi's picture

Wow!!!This is a beautiful Rangoli.iam speech less,no words to express.

ashanagendra's picture

awesome lakshmi!!!there are lots to be learn t from this site .i should thank lata madam also for building such nice kolam family.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Hi Asha thanks a lot.

kalpana14's picture

i think you are expert in rangolis,my sister will also make very nice rangolis.But i dont know-Itried them many times but they didnt come out well .you are very much talented

lakshmiraghu's picture

Kalpana thanks a lot.It is only the practice makes u to perfect.try u will win it.all the best.

Lata's picture

Sold it to me! Oh my god! I've been thinking that it was sold to Tasteofmysore, since she asked for it!
Thank you so much, for selling it to me, I'll treasure this forever, I'm so happy! Smile

jkmrao's picture

I am always reminded by the story of anaMtavrata. It has some relevance to
rangOlis too. There was a learned brahmin who becomes a tree in a forest
in his next birth. The reason for this is that while he was very wise, he
never imparted his knowledge to others. All knowledge, including rangOlis,
must be freely imparted and not kept secretive. Regards! - mOhana

lakshmiraghu's picture

mOhanaji yes ur mum is telling same thing always. Whatever knowledge we have it should be shared/thought to others.

Let noble thoughts come from all directions.

judelined's picture

by the way is this carpet for sale??? very pretty Lakshmi

lakshmiraghu's picture

Judy,Hmmm.. it is already sold it to Lata!! u may ask with her..hehehe

rajamma_2's picture

Lakshmi, Long back in my office kolam competition I have put similar rangoli and drawn small deepams on the lines ending and given the caption of the rangoli as "Ellellu belekali gnanadha jyothi( since it was a Kannada sanga program).As all our members expressed, Knowledge grows by sharing. See your nice rangoli evoked so many devine thoughts!