Amaryllis for garden

mvrajitha's picture
About Amaryllis for garden : PRINT

One more flower plant to the garden from my side, enjoy.

Rangoli: Amaryllis  for garden


anirudh's picture

nice arragement rajitha

judelined's picture

Hey Rajitha this arrangement is very pretty and colourful Smile

brindhanagesh's picture

Nice arrangement of real flowers.

rajamma_2's picture

cooooool arrangement of lovely flowers

Rajusree's picture

very niceRajitha.

mvrajitha's picture

Thanks all of you for your comments

jkmrao's picture

Good arrangement.

Regards! - mOhana

dibbutn's picture

Neatly arranged star-shaped flowers look very pretty

jkmrao's picture

This is actually more beautiful as a thumbnail, honestly, no disrespect intended.

Regards! - mOhana