
Sarasp's picture
About Alpona : PRINT

This Alpona was done on Saptami day in front of the Altar

Rangoli: Alpona


Lata's picture

Cool and crisp alpona. Looks like this was done using powder. In Kolkata, do they make alpona using dry powder, or only rice paste. I wanted to ask you this long time back, but never got a chance. Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

Sweet and simple alpona design saras...I too have d same question as of i have seen mostly alponas done in rice paste only in d websites....

vijaysowmya's picture

very good alpona design....looks like a printed design...

judelined's picture

Cute lil design Saras - looking very pretty Smile

subashini's picture
P.Veni's picture

Simple and cute alpona design..

smahalakshmi's picture

Hi Saras Mam,

Very cute Alpona design


jayamohan's picture

Kutty alpana is cute. Brindha's latest try of alpana is with powder, I think. I am sure she will clarify Latha's doubt.

sreegiri's picture

nice design.

sjnt's picture

Lovely kutty alpona saras. Looks like embroidery design.

Vinci's picture

Lovely design. Looks nice on the black background.

Sarasp's picture

Hi all !! Yes Lata - you get Alpona maati a hard lump which is basically chalk, and they dilute this water .. They have very typical designs of which the mango one is very common and you will find these designs even in bengal cotton sarees which is called as chaapa shaadi , taanter shaadi etc.etc... :):)

Thank you all for your sweet comments , very similar to what the bong's say as "Mishti kotha" Smile Smile

indira sundar's picture

Lovely design ...-Indira Sundar