aadi friday kolam

indhu420's picture
About aadi friday kolam : PRINT

this is d kolam that i drew for this Friday.... i thought i had come up with a very new idea. but my mom told that it is only of the very very normal kolams... seems our ancestors have left no unexplored area.. Smile

Rangoli: aadi friday kolam


Purni's picture

Simple & Neat... Elegant & Sweet..... It looks very lovely, Indhuji.....

lakshmiraghu's picture

Indhuji...it looks cute&neat...

judelined's picture

Small and cute Indhu..

dibbutn's picture

Very cute even if it is a simple one ... try using kaavi it would enhance the kolam

jayamohan's picture

Indhuji, it is a normal kolam only but you have done the shading of the lines very well!