A rangOli with 1 to 15 dots or 8x8 dots

jkmrao's picture
About A rangOli with 1 to 15 dots or 8x8 dots : PRINT

Here is a pattern with 1 to 15 to 1 dots. If you rotate it, it is basically an 8x8 dot pattern. It has four 3x5 sOnA patterns and two lines. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: A rangOli with 1 to 15 dots or 8x8 dots


ammuchandhini's picture

Very strikingly beautiful pattern jkm sir...

umaraja's picture

nice design sir,

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

great one and an excellent design too. Sir, i just want to know do you use MS paint to put dots or any other software ?????

P.Veni's picture

Wow!!!!!!!!Wonderful design,sir

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wonderful!-suguna murugesan

dibbutn's picture

Wow JKM sir, this is awesome... I loved this a lot.

dibbutn's picture

Nice to see ur black and white profile photo sir Smile

Suguna Murugesan's picture

awesome!-suguna murugesan

Anisha Raghunath's picture

very beautiful......

jkmrao's picture

Thanks everybody! (1) sudhA ma'am, I use a dotted paper (dotted papers may be downloaded from any graph software) and draw the pattern on it and then highlight the the desired dots with the desired colours. Yes, most of these are done using MS Paint or Gimp. By the way, Gimp is a software more or less similar to the Photoshop, but Gimp is a freeware and no license fee is necessary. Generally, most of the patterns of this type are done with a four dot interval.. Afterward, the unneeded dots are carefully erased. For giving the weaving look, a white line (on a white background) or a black line (on a black background) is used. This is a very tedious process and takes a lot of effort and causes eye strain. Later one colour on another must be touched up properly. Otherwise it will stand out as a sore thumb. (2) pushpA ma'am, that picture was photographed some 25 years ago!

Regards! - mOhana

vijaysowmya's picture

Excellent pattern...would like to try this??

Vinci's picture

Beautiful kolam. Thanks for sharing your kolams and knowledge with us mOhanaji. I admire your patience, I'm not near to it.

bsindhuja's picture

Excellent design, Sir. I really admire your patience in creating such beautiful kolams for us..... thank you!

smahalakshmi's picture

JKM sir, this kolam looks so beautiful.
