A rangOli inspired by sUrya K.

jkmrao's picture
About A rangOli inspired by sUrya K. : PRINT

This chikku kOlam is inspired by the one submitted by sUrya K. This is the next level to her work. Also instead of keeping each of the wavy lines separate, I joined them. This has 13 lines. The dot pattern can be described in two ways - 8x8 square or 1 to 15 vertical one above the other. The levels of complexity are described below:
n = 0, no of lines = 0, no of dots = 1
n = 1, no of lines = 1 (1 green), no of dots = 5
n = 2, no of lines = 5 (4 green, 1 pink), no of dots = 25
n = 3, no of lines = 9 (4 green, 4 pink, 1 blue), no of dots = 61
n = 4, no of lines = 13 (4 green, 4 pink, 4 blue, 1 red), no of dots = 113

Using this data, find out the no of lines and dots for the next levels. lakshmI ma'am, you give lot of such problems on FB. This is an exercise for you Smile

I am dedicating this pattern to all young girls and boys (may their tribe increase) who have interest in the traditional art of rangavalli or kOlam with dots.

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: A rangOli inspired by sUrya K.


Suguna Murugesan's picture

your version is awesome sir :).....nice calculation explanation Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

O my God! :O :O exercise for me.. I am very bad in maths and I din't know meaning ,spelling of chikku kolam...what to do now... Biggrin :bigsmile: friends waiting for help from all of you... Biggrin (surys help please).... I am going to hunt for maths tuition Smile hence iam on leave today....(escapeeeeeeeeeee) Biggrin Biggrin Biggrin
wonderful creation mOhanaji....texture and colours are wonderful..congrats... :party: .Let me try . Smile

umaraja's picture

lakshhhhhh :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: pencil, scale, calculator ellam courier panatuma,,, pls find d ans fast,,, iam eagerly waiting,,,, Wink

ammuchandhini's picture

Hehe...laksh...nalla maattikkittiya...(trapped nicely na Blum 3 )...u shd've listened to me Wink when i begged u not to scare us with all ur math quiz on fb...hmmm now its ur turn to get scared.... Blum 3 jokes apart...jkm sir...thanks a lot for this astonishing pattern ....never expected so much calculations in this kolam....thanks again for sharing....congrats on rod Smile

umaraja's picture

congrats on rod sir,,, this looks very pretty,,, i would like to try it in my black board with d same cols,,,, ofcourse will try this maths quiz also Smile

vijaysowmya's picture

Wonderful explanation and the kolam looks beautiful Smile would like to give a try when free Smile Congrats on ROD

jayamohan's picture

Wow! What an evolution of Surya's simple presentation! Congrats sir!

drshireesha's picture


chandy's picture

Super!! Though needs lots of patience to colour! Love this kolam even though not able to understand your explanation! Smile Smile Smile Smile

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

Sir thank you .Jerry ko maza aa gaya ....Tom tit for tat ..ab karo hisaab.... agar aap batayenge muje apna janam din tho mai aapki todisi madad kaer saktihon. Toms no no no no no help.......

vanihomework's picture

Commendable! Wonder how you got so much patience to innovate new rangavallis. Thank you for your contribution towards this art.

Lata's picture

"How can he be inspired by that simple rangoli!?", says Surya! Biggrin

Great work and math, Mohanaji. We had fun trying it out, real quick on the wall, and paper.




Wow Amazing dotted rangavalli sir and the multi-coloring is awesome. :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: Smile
To my little brain Angel I analyzed and found some calculations sir. I can not express it in mathematical words. So I write them in my style sir. Pardon me if any mistakes are there... Sad

n = 0, lines 0, dot 1
n = 1, lines 1 ( 0+1), dots 5 ( 1+ 4), difference 5- 1= 4 ( 0+ 4)
n = 2, lines 5 ( 1+4), dots 25 ( 5+ 20), difference 25- 5= 20 ( 4+16)
n = 3, lines 9 ( 5+4), dots 61 ( 25+ 36), difference 61- 25= 36 ( 20+16)
n = 4, lines 13 ( 9+4), dots 113 ( 61+ 52), difference 113- 61= 52 ( 36+16)
n = 5, lines 17 (13+4), dots 181 (113+ 68), difference 181-113= 68 ( 52+16)
n = 6, lines 21 (17+4), dots 265 (181+ 84), difference 265-181= 84 ( 68+16)
n = 7, lines 25 (21+4), dots 365 (265+100), difference 365-265=100 ( 84+16)
n = 8, lines 29 (25+4), dots 481 (365+116), difference 481-365=116 (100+16)
n = 9, lines 33 (29+4), dots 613 (481+132), difference 613-481=132 (116+16)
n =10, lines 37 (33+4), dots 761 (613+148), difference 761-613=148 (132+16)

The line count may be achieved from adding the previous level lines with 4.
The dots count may be achieved from adding the previous level of dots with the difference between the two level of dots added with number 16.

I think, We can go indefinitely with n value. I can not found the relationship of n with the line and dot counts sir... Sad Can u please explain it... Smile
Thank u so much for sharing the calculations besides the rangavalli... Smile

jkmrao's picture

Thank you all for your kindness in appreciating this work. gOmatI ma'am, your analysis is correct. The number of dots can be obtained by the formula 8*n^2 - 4*n + 1 and the number of lines by 4*(n-1) + 1. There is a website called oeis.org (on-line encyclopedia of integer sequences) where one can obtain sequential relationships. I am glad that the young ones had fun, latAjI! Yes, chandy ma'am, it requires a lot of patience to do these rangOlis. It is the weaving that eats up the time. Again, thanks sUryA! If you liked this, wait for my paper on the extended sona patterns Smile Regards! - mOhana


Wow Thank u very much for ur description sir... Smile

ananthiraju's picture

Congrats.Very,very attractive.

subashini's picture

It is very far from my knowledge to understand. Sad Sad Any way,congrats on rod.Happy to see your work and like the kolam design and colour. Smile

Anushapradha's picture

Very beautiful sir.... Smile Smile Smile

aarchi's picture

awesome sir very nice creation

rajamma_2's picture

Amazing. (Yet to figure out the mathamatics behind it) Smile