A Bunch of Balloons

Jayashubha's picture
About A Bunch of Balloons : PRINT

My son (7 yrs) himself blew these water balloons and tied them into a bunch. He then put a string to put the bunch on top of his head. It was in last June. He met with an accident and got a fracure in his leg. As he could not run around, he did this on his bed only. Even I felt very surprised and happy to see this creation. Just wanted to share some of his photos.

Rangoli: A Bunch of Balloons


Lata's picture

The second picture of him makes us feel sad that he got hurt.
I'm glad he found a creative way to forget his discomfort for a while or so. His bouquet of balloon looks great! I can imagine him having fun with filled up balloons in the weekend (holi)! Smile

ammuchandhini's picture

So sorry for ur son...but nice to see him happy with his creation.... i shall pray for his speedy recovery ...

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

As rightly said by lat and ammu his creativity will keep him busy and help him to forget the discomfort of both body and mind. Very good work dear .Keep it up and get well soon .My love and prayers for u dear and we will play together

dibbutn's picture

I admire the determination of your handsome son. He chose to be creative rather than be sad at what has happened. His creation of a balloon "hat" looks very cute, especially cute since he is wearing it Blum 3

Jayashubha's picture

I thank whole heartedly for all good wishes and compliments. Now he is cured. It was in June 2010. I uploaded the photos now.

rajamma_2's picture

Happy to know that your son is cured now. His balloon crown is looking very cute. His creative mind and hand work has cured him fast , i think.

rajamma_2's picture

By the way, what is your son's name?


Pragaya's picture

Though it saddens me to see him with plaster, I am happy that his creativity has diverted his mind from the dullness and cured him faster. Hats off to you also for encouraging him in this way.

umaraja's picture

lovely work kanna, happy to hear that u r cured now, papu enjoyed ur balloons and started to pester me to get him some, since his xams r nearing ive postponed it to april,

smahalakshmi's picture

JayaSubha, Convey our wishes to your son. He has done something creatively to keep him occupied and to forget about the sad things that had happened to him. Very Glad to know that he is completely cured now.


lakshmiraghu's picture

So sorry for ur son but nice to see him happy with his creation....let us pray for him...

bsindhuja's picture

Nice to see your son bright and active with his creativity to keep him occupied even when he was hurt! My best wishes to him... Smile

alameluranganath's picture

praying to God for his earlier receovery. Sweet child and gud creation.

subashini's picture

very happy to hear his speedy recovery.convey our blesses to him.Thank God for His shower of love to a cute boy.

jayamohan's picture

It is very difficult to keep children of his age tied to bed for a no. of days! Such creative work make them happy! Hope he is back to normal now!

vijaysowmya's picture

Sorry for what happened to him ...instead of showing his discomfort and pain he has kept himself occupied with some creative work and enjoy himself...truly admirable one....Also happy that he has recovered...Best wishes to him:)

Vinci's picture

Your son had filled happiness in the air. Great work child. Hope to see your creative works in ikolam Smile

Jayashubha's picture

Thank you all for sparing your precious time to give your views and blessings. Thanks a looooooooooooooot for every one of yu. I have conveyed all your views to him. He felt very happy.
Rajamma mam, my son's name is Rishikesh. Please forgive me the delayed anser.