85 dot kOlam or 7x7 - 3

jkmrao's picture
About 85 dot kOlam or 7x7 - 3 : PRINT

Here is a novel 7x7 pattern. I told you earlier that there are only two possibilities of sOnA patterns for 7X7, viz., 3x4 and 2x5. I found one more cute way Smile of obtaining a third pattern. I had a border with the outside dots leaving a 5x5 matrix inside. I created 2x3 sOnA patterns in this matrix and joined them with the outside border so that only two lines (pink and white) result. A central svAstika also adorns the whole pattern. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: 85 dot kOlam or 7x7 - 3


ammuchandhini's picture

Really a very new pattern jkm sir....pink and white cols r so attractive....

smahalakshmi's picture

Very beautiful pattern, JKM sir.


umaraja's picture

pretty cols sir and d design looks tempting

dibbutn's picture

JKM sir lovely pattern and beautiful colors chosen for this pattern.

Suguna Murugesan's picture

nice pattern!-suguna murugesan

alameluranganath's picture

very nice and gud one

subashini's picture

very beautiful pattern sir.