5th grade - Dilworth

Lata's picture
About 5th grade - Dilworth : PRINT

Pictures taken during 5th grade Open house.

Rangoli: 5th grade - Dilworth


Lata's picture

Diya, please add your classmates names as comments, and I would add those in the description area (for individual credits). Please do this as part of your HW Smile

ashanagendra's picture

OMG!!these kids are so....brilliant,to do a simple tesselation I have been breaking my head from one week.Lata ,i think this will help me.....Thanks for sharing Smile

sjnt's picture

Nicely done. Ashaji, You can look those road platform tiles to have different ideas as they are mostly interlinking tiles now a days.

judelined's picture

Brilliant work - so neatly done...