15 x 1 Kolam no. 2

brindhanagesh's picture
About 15 x 1 Kolam no. 2 : PRINT

I tried this design since it is a little off beat pattern.

Rangoli: 15 x 1 Kolam no. 2


P.Veni's picture

Simple and sweet,brindha

Vinci's picture

Pretty work. The chikku design looks interesting.

ammuchandhini's picture

Nice fusion kolam brinda....d tint of red in d centre is very cute....

smahalakshmi's picture

Very beautiful fusion Kolam.


dibbutn's picture

Wow Brindha, so this is the one u were talking about that was similar 2 mine.. Very nice Brindha, but would have loved to see this colored with ur wonderful coloring technique dear.

Suguna Murugesan's picture

wow pretty kolam brindha!-suguna murugesan

vijaysowmya's picture

A different chikku design and very neat as usual mam.

subashini's picture

simple and beautiful brindha.

Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

very very neat and beautiful design

lakshmiraghu's picture

Very beautiful fusion Kolam.

brindhanagesh's picture

Thanks every one for our valuable comments. Pushpa, actually i did three kolams together to pass my boring time on a saturday. So did not think of colouring. (no special colouring technique dear).

jkmrao's picture

A sort of 9x9 fusion, prettily presented!

Regards! - mOhana

alameluranganath's picture

very nice and a different one.

bsindhuja's picture

Lovely combination of chikku and floral designs, Brindha! This chikku design was also done by Pushpa recently in one of her maa kolams.... Smile

jkmrao's picture

You're right sindhujA ma'am, the dotted pattern is a common one, used by many. I used it first for a pattern with strings and later for the first two 9x9 patterns. Here it is used at the corners with flower drawings at other places. Actually, it could have been used at the centre also and connected with the corner patterns.

Regards! - mOhana