15 x 1 Kolam no. 1

brindhanagesh's picture
About 15 x 1 Kolam no. 1 : PRINT

I am still trying to learn the art of sikku kolams.

Rangoli: 15 x 1 Kolam no. 1


subashini's picture

looks lovely brindha.Happy ugadi.

Vinci's picture

Beautiful kolam. Your strokes are neat and steady Brindha.

ammuchandhini's picture

With such elegant and thin strokes we r all happy brinda to see ur sikku kolams....now and then...

Suguna Murugesan's picture

awesome brindha!-suguna murugesan

P.Veni's picture

Neat and beautiful sikku kolam,brindha

dibbutn's picture

Wow Brindha very good attempt i must say, it looks very pretty dear.

vijaysowmya's picture

Very pretty sikku kolam ...neat and nice strokes!!

Jayashubha's picture

Very neat and bright kolam.

alameluranganath's picture

very nice chikku kolam and gud one.

Padma Prakash's picture

Very pretty kolam Brinda. Everyone can say its a kolam from an expert and not a strater in chikku kolams.

bsindhuja's picture

Lovely chikku design.... your strokes are neat and pretty!

kameswari's picture

Neat and perfect Brinda Mam.

vasanthi's picture

very very nice brinda mam. the strokes are very very neat and perfect. looks like expert kolam mam.

Anisha Raghunath's picture

very nice chikku kolam.....

lakshmiraghu's picture

bright and beautiful kolam.nice fusion.keep itup

smahalakshmi's picture

Brindha mam, this kolam looks so beautiful with neat strokes. If you say that you are in the beginning stage of making sikku kolams, then I should say that I'm in the toddler stage.


Dr.Rekha Shetty's picture

very delicate work.SUPERB!

julien's picture

Hai brindha nice and brightful chikku kolam., and lean smart butterfly.........

brindhanagesh's picture

Thanks friends. This will definitely encourage me to do better:)

jkmrao's picture

You're very humble and say you are a learner! Came out beautifully. This is one of those Mersenne patterns I explained in http://www.ikolam.com/node/19424 .

Regards! - mOhana

brindhanagesh's picture

Yes Mohanaji, same type of pattern but with little deviation. Thanks for your lovely comments but i am still a learner of chikku kolams (even all type of kolams) and a kid in making padikolams.