2020- Radha Ashtami-3- Radha and Raghunath Das Goswami- Sketch- Shrimathi Radharaniji smilingly holding Her veil to shield Her Devotee Raghunatha Das Goswami from the intense afternoon sun.....
Raghunath Das (1495-1586) was the first of the six Goswamis to meet Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. .As the legend goes, Raghunath Das Goswami would spend several hours on the banks of Radha-kunda. He lived an austere life of pure devotion. Raghunatha Das Goswami completely absorbed in his meditation of the Divine Couple, showed the standard of renunciation required to attain the eternal loving service of Radha-Giridhari in the nitya nikunja lilas at Radha-kunda.On one occasion, Sanatana Goswami witnessed Shri Krishna Himself was guarding His Devotee from a pair of tigers that had come to drink in the Radha-kunda. On another occasion, Sanatana Goswami saw Shrimati Radharani, drenched in transcendental perspiration, smilingly holding Her veil to shield Her Devotee from the intense afternoon sun.Das Goswami was also instrumental in getting Shri Radha and Shyam Kund deepened, enlarged and renovated. Das Goswami wrote deeply profound verses about the pastimes of Radha-Krishna. These have been compiled into the Stava-mala, Dana-charita and Mukta-charita books. Beyond his literary accomplishments, he is best remembered as the very emblem of renunciation. He was totally detached from material enjoyment and is appropriately known as the prayojana acharya, one who teaches by his own example about the ultimate goal of life.In Vraja leela, Shrila Raghunath Das is identified as Shri Rasa Manjari or Bhanumati, one of the principal manjaris engaged in the intimate service of Shri Radha.His samadhi lies in Shri Radha Kund...