Rangoli competition

Welcome to iKolam annual rangoli competition!

We have conducted online rangoli competitions for over a decade here at iKolam. We've had contestants participate from India and from all over the world. Please go through the links provided below to enjoy the rangoli design entries from the past years. The rules and regulations for the rangoli-contest are simple and straightforward. We request the contestants to upload their original entry via our website. We publish all the rangoli entries the day after the last date for submission. The voting is done though the website, by all of our members over a period of 7 to 10 days. The results are announced in the website and also sent out in the form of newsletters at the end of the contest duration. We send out prizes to the winner after the results are announced. We also organize Margazhi dew drops kolam contest during the December – January months.

Rangoli designs can be made of materials available in nature such as flower petals, grasses, and leaves. They can also be decorated with colored sand or rice flour. We sometimes allow multiple entries in our site from participants. The rangoli designs could also be the ones made for Diwali parties, or in corporate places. As per the general rule, we request the contestants to upload rangolis from the present-year’s festival celebrations, and to refrain from uploading entries from the past years. Please visit the past years rangoli contest entries and post your feedback.

Peacock rangoli for competition

This amazing peacock rangoli was made by Darshana Moola, for the Diwali rangoli contest. It won her the first prize that year.

Rangoli for competition

This beautiful circular floral rangoli was made by Nicole, from Australia. THe primary ingredient decorating this rangoli is colored sugar. This entry won the first place in our Diwali rangoli contest held for the very first time.