My very first twirley kolam 3-5-3
About My very first twirley kolam 3-5-3 : PRINT
Hi all!
I'm new here: Adele from Palermo,Italy - nice to meet you!
I've discovered kolams on Sept 2008 on a children's magazine and used them with my pupils at the end of this school year. They love them! I'd like to make kolams as known in Italy as mandalas.
Here is my first attempt with a twirley kolam (from here:
Hope you like it.

Tue, 2009-06-23 09:57
Impressive, looks good! Now that you've mastered the design on paper, I think it's time to try on the floor/tabletop with the actual medium that is used to make kolams. I hope you have some rice flour, or for that matter any flour to get the hang of it. Make sure the texture of the flour is not too smooth to the touch, because it is easier to draw with flour that is somewhat coarser. The following link should help.
Tue, 2009-06-23 19:28
First kolam is very impressive,and looks nice,thanks for sharing.
Tue, 2009-06-23 20:56
Too Good for First Attempt..... very colourful.... Keep it up...
Tue, 2009-06-23 21:20
Very nice, welcome to ikolam. want to see more of your creations.
Tue, 2009-06-23 21:21
Welcome Adelec(hope Iam spelling your name correctly)! So, you have the concept of kolam in Italy too! Iam happy that you have passed it on to your pupils! Did you use dots for drawing this one? It has good symmetry! Nice attempt!
Wed, 2009-06-24 03:07
Thank you all, and thanks for the welcome!
I think I need to do much practice before trying on the floor
Mandala are very well known and used in Italy, also with pupils. Kolams are not - yet! I can see lots of potential in using it at school so I bet it will soon be used. (I've got 2 Tamil girls in my class but their mothers didn't do kolams in SriLanka, though their aunts do)
I used dots and followed the video instructions. Before I started with very basic shapes with 1-3-1 dots and similars, but I'd like to improve.
adele (c is my surname initial!)
K.Suguna Nagaraj
Tue, 2009-12-01 03:40
Dear adelec,
Your kolam is very nice.
Wed, 2009-06-24 08:37
Adele welcome to the ikolam family - I am sure you will find a lot of information here which will help you pass on this lovely tradition to your pupils..
Yes once you get the feel of drawing them without a hitch on paper you will definitely be able to try them out on your kitchen counter to start with and I am sure you will end up having a lot of fun creating lovely designs alongwith tasty dinner. All the best and have fun.
Thu, 2009-09-17 11:49
I like the beautiful colors you put in your twirly kolam!