Icecream cones
About Icecream cones : PRINT
I love icecream cones! Whenever we go to Baskin and Robbins, I like to eat my icecream in a cone, and not a cup. My favorite flavor is Chocolate with sprinkles. My sisters like chocolate too. My parents always ask for Mocha Almond fudge when it is their turn to order. Indian kulfis are good too. What is your favorite flavor?

Thu, 2009-05-21 20:29
Tempting to eat one... Surya,my favorite is vanilla ice cream with hot carrot halwa.nice ice cream art.
Thu, 2009-05-21 20:40
Nice icecream cones, even this Paatti is tempted!
Thu, 2009-05-21 20:40
Lip smacking one, Surya..... My favourite is Strawberry... Dharun loves Chocolate as you do.....Had been away for a while, as it rains every evening...... but, after seeing your painting, We have planned our Friday evening at Baskin and Robbins, even if it rains cats and dogs.....
Thu, 2009-05-21 22:25
Yummmmmm - ice cream - well my favourite is vanilla with jellos, vanilla with lychee, and who would say no to a chocolate ice cream - not me for sure?? Suri the colour of the cones are so different, I love the scoops and cherry toppings too... Now I must have an ice cream today..
Fri, 2009-05-22 06:15
I scream, you scream, we all scream for this ICECREAM.......