
sjnt's picture
About Rangoli : PRINT

A second prize winning entry of another year - in the art category. There were 2 categories, traditional and art rangolis.

Rangoli: Rangoli


judelined's picture

Jayanthi, hope you dont mind me saying this but I find that the colours in your recent three rangolis (this girl, the red indian and the kathakali dancer) almost are of the same combinations. I think you should have given this girl a brighter coloured dress which would have definitely enhanced the rangoli. In any case this is a very pretty girl and her hair is so neatly done - I like the flowers decorating her hair too...

sjnt's picture

Athu oru peria kadhai Judymam. When this rangoli comptn was announced, I was pregnant with my 3rd child, about 8 months. My husband, before going to office, had strictly told me not to participate in the comptn at this last stage of pregnancy. I too said OK. During those times, comptn chonnaale I used to get excited. After he went to office, after a lot of self convincing, I decided to take part in the comptn. Picture was not ready, colours were not ready, no time to search for pictures and colour mixing. Whatever colours were left over from the previous year's comptn, collected all those, saw a picture in the newspaper, slightly modified it and went for the comptn and put this girl's p[icture with the remaining colours of previous year. Got 2nd prize and got archanai from my husband after he came to know about my participation in the comptn, but that was not affecting me as I won a prize.

indha kadhai podhumaa, innum konjam venumaa?

Lata's picture

Jayanthiji, romba nalla kadhai solreenga! Smile

The first thought that came to my mind when I saw this girl was "Alice in wonderland". I hope you would consider participating in our Diwali rangoli contest and Margazhi contest.

judelined's picture

Jayanthi sabash seriyaana pooti..... by the way what baby did you have?? Hmmm, now I understand why those three kolams were of the same colours.