Chalk Kolam in Singapore!
About Chalk Kolam in Singapore! : PRINT
Hi All,
I am new to this forum. Just recently shifted to Singapore, searched for kola ma, no luck yet, (anyone in singapore can help me to find where to get ), so started using chalk to make kolam,
I make this kolam and take snaps for my fiance to see. Now for this forum members to see.
Waiting for your comments.

Thu, 2009-04-09 14:44
Welcome to ikolam! This is just a suggestion, if you can't get the kolam powder, you could try making kolams with rice flour (the kind which is a bit coarsely ground, like the one we use for idiappam). This may sound silly, but I use my idiaapam flour to make kolams here in the U.S, for special occasions, because I don't have kolam powder.
I like your design, especially the arches. Nice geometric pattern!
Thu, 2009-04-09 20:09
Gowriji, excelent looks very nice...keep it up..waiting to see some more..
Thu, 2009-04-09 23:05
Gowri I appreciate the fact that you put the kolam in chalk inspite of not getting kolapodi ... but like Lata suggested you can use rice flour... i sometimes use mida also... and for a change why not try cornflour or kadalamaavu?? you will get a different and unique colour effect in fact... hope to see more of your creations
Mon, 2009-06-29 18:44
Hi Lata mam, I still can find some of my kolams missing ... Could you please look into this ?
Gowri Manohari Narayanan