Chikku kolam

thilakalakshmi's picture
About Chikku kolam : PRINT

Hi friends, here is a chikkuful kolam...! Wink Keeping dots is the most difficult part in this kolam...! Hope you enjoy this chikku kolam...!

Rangoli: Chikku kolam


vijaysowmya's picture

Wow!!! Chikkalaana chikku kolam!! (A complicated one) But you have done so casually and brought out the perfection. Well done!!! :star: :star: :star:

Purni's picture

Wow, Thilakalakshmi Ma'am......Perfectly Done and Beautifully Detailed..... Hats Off to You, Ma'am.... Smile

thilakalakshmi's picture

Thank a lot for your encouraging comments, Sowmya mam and Purni mam...! Smile

lakshmiraghu's picture

looks crispy

rajamma_2's picture

very cute chikku kolam, As you said keeping the dots is a bit difficult, You have done it so effertlessly and the ezha around the dots drawn perfectly. I want to try this. Smile ( Enjoyed your other kolams too)

yams yamuna's picture

Its a bundle of wonderful mam like oooo like mam Smile