This is another Shankh kolam done during Margazhi & one of my favourite too.

This is another Shankh kolam done during Margazhi & one of my favourite too.
Mon, 2009-02-02 12:36
Nice, how many more conch-kolams do you have
Speaking of conches, I can never get tired of collecting these shells, be it in patterns or in real form!
Mon, 2009-02-02 12:46
Yes it is quite good. I too like them.
Knowing my interest in symmetry, in fact, one of my friends presented
me for a special birthday, two shells of opposite hand. The normal one
is like what is drawn above. The right-handed one (valaMpuri Sangu) is
its mirror image. This is not common. The probability to find one is
one in 40. It is this that is used in temples, etc for abhishEka.
Regards! - mOhana
Mon, 2009-02-02 12:56
I've heard about how rare the right-handed one is. You are lucky, reminds me of another beautiful object my math professor shared with us a few years ago. It was the Klein bottle, I'd never seen one before she showed it to us, and she mentioned that she'd won it as a prize a long time back in one of her math competitions (in the east coast). I checked on the internet, and looks like it is sold in a few places and happens to be expensive too.
Mon, 2009-02-02 17:23
Lata,Yes it is a rare item.however if u make a visit to new port/miami beach in florida u can get lot of these Shankas available freely,ensure u pickup any shankas with out any black dots.usally this is kept in the pooja room and is belived in this Shanka godess Lakshmi dwells.
Mon, 2009-02-02 17:57
Yes, this is supposed to be very sacred. I bought another one in Marina beach once.
This is white and blemishless. Before giving it to me the guy who was selling it
asked me to remove my shoes and made me worship it there! In those days (1983 or so)
the price was 40 rupees. Now it may be in hundreds. In fact, the guys who get
this are paid a particular sum irrespective of the size of the conch. Just in
passing, that is why if you look at my tiruppAvai rangOli, I drew this SaMkha,
not the ordinary one. All the best belong to God, is it not? In fact, there is
a Tamil movie song kaNNan varuvAn kadai SolluvAn ... In that there is a line that
goes like valaMburi SangeDuttu plUTTuvAn! Regards! - mOhana
Mon, 2009-02-02 18:19
Lakshmi, nice to know where to find one when I look into the possibility of buying it.
I've never been to Florida, and wouldn't be getting a chance to go there any time sooner. Summer (mid July) is the only time to think about vacations for us, and we'll be visiting India most probably this summer. Florida can wait until the following summer, but a visit with Lakshmi can't be postponed for another summer
mOhanaji, how do you remember the little things as well as the bigger facts about all the things that get mentioned, I'm amazed. If you've any recommendations for improving using any natural supplements, please feel free to tell us about it
I need to take a close look at the shankh from your rangoli again, I don't believe I noticed the direction of the shankh.
The song that you've mentioned does sound familiar (I wish I'd paid more attention to those songs when my mom listened to them).
Mon, 2009-02-02 19:05
Lata hats of to u. iam also waiting to meet u.Shankas are available @Rameswaram beach in India.!!!!!
Mon, 2009-02-02 19:13
Lata, I am very lucky. We have a Valampurishanku( one ft length) in our pooja room.The song mentioned by mOhanaji is from the tamil movie Panchavarnakili and sung by Smt P.susheela available in 'musicindiaonline".(Now I am typing this hereing that song, my favourite one, repeatedly sing this for my grand children) .
Lata for improving memory Arugampull juice and Brahmi are good they say.
Mon, 2009-02-02 19:34
No wonder! The proof is in the pudding...what I just realized was that the people who own a Valampurishankh also happen to be creative, spiritual and artistic people (so far I've 3 members in this list which just got started today; mOhanaji, Lakshmi and you ma'am
Forget about the saree shop, I'm going to look for that shankh the day I land in India.
Thank you for the tips on the memory power too...
Tue, 2009-02-03 21:39
Oh! that was a nice discussion about shankhaas.. a good read. Thanks
Tue, 2009-03-10 06:57
how many dots
Tue, 2009-03-17 22:42
hai its very nice kolam.the dots of this is 15-8 interlaced dots.i tried it.
Tue, 2009-03-17 23:33
nice kolam Saraswathi... but i hope you dont mind me pointing out one small mistake.. the conches on the top right and middle are facing the wrong direction i think.... or else you must change the direction of the conch on the left bottom corner.... am i correct??
Thu, 2009-03-19 23:56
Well spotted!! Thanks