padi kolam

dharinigopal's picture
About padi kolam : PRINT

this is a kolam drawn by my mother in law

Rangoli: padi kolam


Lata's picture

Welcome to ikolam Ms.Dharini! Smile
Wonderful padi kolam created by your MIL. Thank you for sharing your family's artwork here with us. Smile

smahalakshmi's picture

Hi, welcome to I-Kolam. Very nice traditional kolam done by your MIL. Please treat us with more padi kolams done by you and your MIL.


ammuchandhini's picture

Hai...welcome...lovely padi kolam...waiting to see more from u and ur mil...

jayamohan's picture

Very nice! Your mother in law seems to be an expert in padi kolam! Please upload more of this knid!

dibbutn's picture

Welcome to Ikolam... this is a very beautiful padikolam with lovely thin strokes... we at ikolam are always hungry for lovely padikolams like this, so pls post more of such padikolams for us...

umaraja's picture

welcome dharini, i appreciate ur mils superb presentation, and ur love on her by uploading this wk, thank u

chandy's picture

Padi kolam with simple everyday kolams on all 4 corners! Very nice

Pragaya's picture

Very nice padi kolam. Waiting to see just joint ventures from your family in the future as well.

vijaysowmya's picture

Very big and wonderfully drawn padikolam...looks very pretty with simpler additions on the sides.

lakshmiraghu's picture

big and beautiful padi kolam

judelined's picture

Nice padikolam

veena manigandan's picture

Nice big padi kolam. Kavi and stars add the beauty.

jasree's picture

Lovely padikolam....

sreegiri's picture

beautiful kolam.

jkmrao's picture

What a beautiful paDikOlam!

Regards! - mOhana

Vinci's picture

Beautiful kolam.

dharinigopal's picture

thanks all

dharinigopal's picture

hi iam not able to upload a new kolam, i had uploaded this padi kolam a few days back, but now even if it says that rangoli is created its not in my gallery 'dharini gopal' plz mam check and reply