rangoli without dots

ammuchandhini's picture
About rangoli without dots : PRINT

hai to all this freehand kolam was done by durga when she was at our house last week...yr views pl...

Rangoli: rangoli without dots


Anita_rosemary's picture

very nice kolam i like it

Vinci's picture

Lovely design with the cute chirping birdies. Nice work..

vijaysowmya's picture

very good leafy kolam with cute little birds around it...my wishes to her...

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u anita, vinci and sowmya...haaa...atlast latha has managed to finish of my queue..thank heavens...

rajamma_2's picture

cute birdie kolam.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Lovely design with the crispy strokes.....

ammuchandhini's picture

Thank u rajamma mam and lakshmi...sure shall convey all of ur appreciations to durga...

judelined's picture

Nice to see a kolam from Durga after a very long time Rani - thanks for sharing this with us. Very different and cute it is - please convey my wishes to her Smile

smahalakshmi's picture

Very nice rangoli.


ammuchandhini's picture

Hatrick...hahah thanks judy and maha...