dotted kolam

subashini's picture
About dotted kolam : PRINT

one more dotted kolam was drawn for navarathiri in photo shop

Rangoli: dotted kolam


ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely kolam with lovely col combination and ur strokes have improved sooooo much I am in awe for u....

anubalki's picture

Very nice kolam with good color combination.

vijaysowmya's picture

beautiful kolam with good colour choice....

subashini's picture

Thank you Rani,anubalki,and vijaysowmya.

smahalakshmi's picture

Subashini mam,

Very nice kolam. Very different from the usual sikku kolams.


Vinci's picture

Nice design with different colors Subashini.. This is pleasing to my eyes..

P.Veni's picture

Lovely kolam with nice colour combination...

subashini's picture

Thank you maha lakshmi, vinci, and veni.Feel free to call me suba or subashini mahalakshmi.

indira sundar's picture

Very beautiful Subha....i like the colorful pipes.....-Indira Sundar

sreegiri's picture

nice kolam.

subashini's picture

Thank you Indra and sreegiri

dibbutn's picture

Suba very cute kolam and nice thing to show the kolam in different colors

subashini's picture

Thank you pushpa.

judelined's picture

Suba looks like you have bent cool drink straws and made this kolam - good that you are also showing different sections in different colours - lucky learners as they have so many gurus to teach them - we had to learn the hard way so we are making it easy for them I think Smile