Kojagari - Lakshmi pooja

lakshmiraghu's picture
About Kojagari - Lakshmi pooja : PRINT

Kojagori/Kojagari Lakshmi Puja During Ashwin Mahina: This festival takes place in the Hindu month of Ashwin (September-October). That day it is full moon or Purnima. This celebration is commonly performed by the Bengalis immediately after Goddess Durga Puja.
On Kojagara or the night of awakening, devotees fast and stay awake all night. It is believed that the Goddess visits every household at night and asks “Ko Jagarti” which means who is awake. So those who are awake, they are blessed by Lakshmi Devi. She bestows her devotees with good fortune and prosperity.
Kojagori Vrath also coincides with the harvest season. It is known as Navanna (Nav- new, Anna – grain). From this day, the new grains derived from the fresh harvest is offered to the Deity and then consumed.

Rangoli: Kojagari - Lakshmi pooja


viji_j86's picture

Dear Lakshmi I verymuch impressed by all your live kolams. By the by shall you give me a copy of Lakshmion the elephant photo? Or else tell me where it is available.

lakshmiraghu's picture

Viji thanks for ur appreciation.that is not lakshmi on elephant,but indra on white elephant(Iravatha)it is available in photo shops.

viji_j86's picture

Thankyou Lakshmi for the explanation. After your explanation i can understand the photo.
Previously I thought that it was Laxmi on Elephant.
Thanks for the explanation. All your pujas also so divine.
Keep posting kolams .

lakshmiraghu's picture

viji thanks a lot