Pair of Peacocks

pari_swetha's picture


alameluranganath's picture

simply superb mam no words to say. very very beautiful

Lata's picture

Welcome back! So, the left one is a peahen and the right one is supposed to be the peacock? They look beautiful.

sreegiri's picture

beautiful decoration.

sreegiri's picture

beautiful decoration.

dibbutn's picture

Parimala maam this is neatly and beautifully done by you... I love the Aanai mele Ganesha and the peedam... only thing cant get a good view of the chotta Ganeshas though I assume they are the ones with the instruments

ammuchandhini's picture

hai mam it looks so divine thanks for sharing

judelined's picture

Every part of this photo is so artistic - The Ganesha, the rangoli, the urli with leaves and flowers - perfect Smile

indira sundar's picture

all r beautiful...-Indira

lakshmiraghu's picture

pretty flower arrangement looks nice

rajamma_2's picture

Nice Ganesha, the flower arrangements and the dancing mayils with beautiful colorful thogai. are looking great.

indu.rkc's picture

stylish pillaiyar-nice

preetiN's picture

The peacocks are very well made.

jayamohan's picture

The whole thing is beautiful. Peacocks are colorful though not identical!

jkmrao's picture

Good work. Would have been nicer if the peacocks faced each other. Hope shaNmukha is not upset Smile

Regards! - mOhana

sudhabalakrishnan's picture

beautiful peacocks, and also the ganesha too.