Girls ... Let's Party! Rangoli
About Girls ... Let's Party! Rangoli : PRINT
This is one of my favorite dotted rangoli with girls/women in it. One could look at it as a design that shows girls playing, or girls jumproping/skipping too. I didn't want the girls wearing uniforms, and so have opted for colorful outfits, a different color for each one of them. I had labeled this rangoli for Holi, but since we have the ikolam Bangalore meet and the Chennai meet coming along soon, the word "Party!" kept zooming into focus in my head. I'm so excited for our members!
Made using Photoshop. It is a Dotted Rangoli. Dot count; 15-8, interlaced. The dots are deliberately bigger, for clarity's sake. Let me know what you think of it.

Mon, 2010-03-01 13:24
I want a meet in San Jose too! Please ladies, visit me too
How come most of our California members are so quiet, all the time. Let me take a look at our databases, and post a big post about people count in different cities, and such.
Mon, 2010-03-01 14:32
Very nice and beautiful rangoli.
Mon, 2010-03-01 17:14
Oh!! modern girls looks beautiful..pretty outfits..this matches for women's day also...(8th march)....
Mon, 2010-03-01 18:24
Very nice aunty... The skipping ropes also look like "jadai"'s
Mon, 2010-03-01 18:37
Lata hmmm if u sponsor I will get 10 ,50,100.... members to make San jose meet a big success,,,what do u say Judy,Jayaji,Rajammaji,sumathi,Anirudh.......and all friends!!!???
Mon, 2010-03-01 20:17
OhHHHHHHHH yes, of course i agree with lakshmi I am ready to join for the california meet. by the way the kolam is excellent lata. very pretty girls with their modern outfits and and playing jadaiskipping ropes !!!!!!!!!!!
Mon, 2010-03-01 20:24
Lata, Your beautiful girls dancing with ropes(I too mistook it for Jadai-pinnal)and singing 'Let us Party' are inviting us also to join them?
For your california meet, Jaya and her DIL Kamini are sure to join. My passport alo ready. Lakshmi where is the sponsor?
Mon, 2010-03-01 20:24
Mon, 2010-03-01 21:09
the dancing girls are very beautiful and the inner design looks like plats of those girls. very beautiful and very easy to learn.
Mon, 2010-03-01 22:29
I too thought like Lakshmi that this is a 'womans Day' special!
Lata, count me and Kamini(DIL) for San Jose meet and eat!
Mon, 2010-03-01 22:36
very beautiful lata
Tue, 2010-03-02 01:13
The girls are really in the partying mood Lata. They look very happy and colourful. The shades of the dress and the flowers are very nice.
It seems i had to apply for passport soon to participate in San Jose Meet:)
Tue, 2010-03-02 01:48
San Jose of course I'd love to come for the meet - Lata count me please
Pretty little girls celebrating Women's Day - lovely colours - very pretty kolam Lata.. Hmm looks interesting, let's see what changes I can make and upload soon
Tue, 2010-03-02 02:41
oh a great news to visit lata's place.i will go n get my passport n visa.please take myname also.lata! if u want any help in arranging the meet in ur place feel free to ask me.
Tue, 2010-03-02 05:54
Lata maam the party girls are very pretty I am trying to figure out where I am
Tue, 2010-03-02 06:40
Nice work. But another perspective. They look like pens and nibs trying to write on a piece of brown paper!
Regards! - mOhana
Tue, 2010-03-02 07:13
Lata,the pretty girls seems to be dancing "pinnal kolattam".nice design,nice shading.I wish i could learn Photoshop from you
Tue, 2010-03-02 13:44
Sumathi, I hear that the photoshop guru is going to be giving a demo in the Chennai meet. Btw, didn't you say you had a cousin living in Sunnyvale? Does she visit ikolam to enjoy your work? If so, please let her know that there are atleast a few people who are interested in a meet in San Jose in April.
Thank you Preeti, Priya, lakshmi2000, sudha and Ms.Sreegiri.
If I had been able to sponsor 10, 50... people, don't you think I would've already bought a house in Chennai by now, Lakshmi? I wouldn't have had to depend on Hotel Residency. But, at the same time, I do picture all of you in my home, wishful thinking? No harm in dreaming
I'm glad to note that Jayaji and Kamini are going to be coming here, for the meet, greet and eat
Brindha, you mean you still haven't applied for it yet? I mean, I wouldn't delay the process if I were you, especially with both kids in the US. I'm sure you will visit us in California one of these years.
Judy and Bharathi, glad you are coming too. Bharathi, yes I would need your help. You are required to bring a mehandi designer. I believe you do know somebody special for this work.
Pushpa (I'm taking the liberty to drop the ji, please please do the same for me, as per my request to you some time ago ), there are only 6 girls in the kolam. And, as you might have noticed, the design in already gone to the back pages. But, you, on the other hand, are a constant in our minds. Enjoy the real party in your hometown with more than 6 girls.
Mohanaji, pens and nibs is an interesting perspective, thanks for mentioning something not all minds may see.
Anybody planning/doing something special for March 8th?
Tue, 2010-03-02 20:46
Lata ,my cousin is right now in Chennai with her 1+ old kid,will be back to US in another 3 months
deepa ram
Wed, 2010-03-03 01:14
nice bomu kutty kolam didi,this looks lovely in photoshop,will it be the same in real,thats a doubt,ur effort has to be applauded.
Wed, 2010-03-03 05:51
nice one lata the i first took the skipping ropes for jadai pinnal. Very good nice idea.
Thu, 2010-03-04 20:57
Azhago aLLudhey, manadhai kiLLudhey yendru paadavendum pol irukkiradhu latha.Attractive colors ,beautiful girls without uniform are fantastic.
Thu, 2010-03-04 21:18
hai mam after seeing such a colourful kolam i was dumbstruck that i forgot to post the comments which i had already typed sorry for the delay such a cute dotted one
Sun, 2010-03-07 18:37
hi lata ji, today only i saw ur mail.thank u for communicating with me .the success of ikolam is even though we are at far of distance this communication makes us feel happy as though we are talking with our close kith and kin.ur photoshop kolam is simply superb.within diamond shape u have brought a beautiful face .good creativity
Wed, 2010-03-24 16:24
small cute girls skipping with rope and wearing different frocks looks pretty.uniform is not necessary.