

Rangoli: Freehand Design
Rangoli: Board Rangoli
Rangoli: Roller Rangoli
Rangoli: Margazhi kolam1
Rangoli: Veggie carving
Rangoli: Floating lamp
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Traditional Kolam
  • Shivalingam
  • Mother Mira's Birthday
  • Navrathri
  • Kolam
  • Dancing Peacocks
  • Hoot hoot !
Rangoli: Traditional Kolam

This kolam was done by me for Marghazhi with a dot count of 11 to 11

Rangoli: Shivalingam

Here is a rangoli which I did for Mahasivarathri taught to me by my Grandmother who is no more.
The dot count is 9 to 9

Rangoli: Mother Mira's Birthday

This is floral decoration done by my mother for Pondicherry Mother Mira's birthday which happens to be on 21st February. It is symbolic to arrange all varieties of flowers in front of her picture.


This is one of my creation for marghazhi. This kolam symbolises the Chandana Bela.

Rangoli: Navrathri

This is a pic of our pooja room decorated for Navaratri. The decoration credit goes to my mother.She is 70 years and has personally stitched the garlands for all pictures with cloth and decorated with sequins and bangles.You can also see the Kuthuvillaku decorated and kept on either side.

Rangoli: Kolam

This is a traditional kolam done with dots. It can be increased to any size by simply extending the dots on the required sides.

Rangoli: Dancing Peacocks
This rangoli was published on 2008-12-19.
Rangoli: Hoot hoot !
This rangoli was published on 2008-12-19.
