This was on Diwali i wanted to do it outdoors but because of heavy wind i have done indoors on my center table. My mother in law supported alot when i was doing this Rangoli.
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Rangoli on Diwali
- Rangoli on Boghi
- sankranthi Rangoli
- sankranthi Rangoli
- Dipavali Rangoli
- Dipavali Rangoli
- Dantheras Rangoli
- My Diwali Rangoli
This Rangoon I have done on Bhogi. This is 32 dots 8 times till 8. It took 2 hours time.
This a rangoli done on Sankranthi festival it is of 15 dots to 1 on 4 sides. After doing this Rangoon I felt it's incomplete
So I have done diya on 4 sides. The companion for doing this Rangoon is my 5 year old took 2 hours to complete.
this is my Diwali rangoli done in Pune.In this my 2 year daughter helped me by not touching it at all.