

Rangoli: Diwali 2014
Rangoli: Halloween Rangoli
Rangoli: Janmashtami 2012
Rangoli: Umbrella  and Fan Dotted Rangoli
Rangoli: Freehand Rangoli
Rangoli: Dotted Rangoli
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Thambulam pouches
  • Varalakshmi Vratam
  • Jasmine Collage
  • Jasmine Flower from our yard
  • Jasmine Flower from our yard
  • Jasmine Flower from our yard
  • Thambulam Plate
  • Dotted rangoli 15 x 8
Rangoli: Thambulam pouches

Hi!friends, I am uploading some more thambulam pouches. Hope you all like these too.


Rangoli: Varalakshmi Vratam

Hi! friends I am uploading collage image of varalakshmi vratam.


Rangoli: Jasmine Collage

Hi! friends I am uploading one more collage picture of our yard jasmine flowers. Hope you all enjoy the fragrance of this jasmine flowers.


Rangoli: Jasmine Flower from our yard

Hi! friends I am uploading one more picture of jasmine from my yard. I am not able to upload some beautiful pictures of jasmine from our yard,because the limit for the image is only 2 MB.
Hope you all enjoy this picture toooooo.


Rangoli: Jasmine Flower from our yard

This jasmine garland made by me from our yard flowers. Hope you all like it. I am enjoying these flowers here in Texas. I love to prepare garland anytime. Still lot pictures are there, But I cannot upload all because of the picture size.


Rangoli: Jasmine Flower from our yard

This jasmine flower is from our yard. One bud and two flowers. Hope you all like this.....


Rangoli: Thambulam Plate

Hi! ikolam friends , This thambulam plate is created my me for sister-in-law's Engagement.
Like to hear from all of u.


Rangoli: Dotted rangoli  15 x 8

This kolam is made by me for ugadi festival ( Telugu Nes Years' Day) 2011. Happy Ugadi to all my ikolam friends. Hope you all like this kolam.

