

Rangoli: small chikku kolam 3
Rangoli: dotted kolam 62
Rangoli: CHILDRENS DAY 2011
Rangoli: dotted kolam 61
Rangoli: dotted kolam 60
Rangoli: free hand kolam 31
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Basic-Inspirations-2
  • Basic-Inspirations-4
  • Basic-Inspirations-1
  • dotted kolam 45
  • dedicated to LATA MAM
  • dotted kolam 46
  • Bon voyage
  • Bon voyage theme
Rangoli: Basic-Inspirations-2

dear friends,
this free hand rangoli was done by me on 25th morning... no time to coloring.. yours comments..

Rangoli: Basic-Inspirations-4

hai viewers this star based kolam was drawn on sunday 18th september... today i went one marriage... attend the function then back to home , after i coloured... sunlight has comeout...

Rangoli: Basic-Inspirations-1

Lata Mam i am sending one Basic-Inspirations theme... to draw a dotted kolam on this week..

Rangoli: dotted kolam 45

this dotted kolam was drawn on last week...
dot count: 9-9

Rangoli: dedicated to LATA MAM

Dear Lata mam.,

SORRY FOR THE DELAY.... i saw your message (curise rangoli) for my this same post... u say some tips of my kolam... i try to my best.... U Like it mam...

the dot count : 8-8

Rangoli: dotted kolam 46

hai friends
i draw this small dotted kolam and colored it... i am sharing with u...
dot count 7-1, ( straight )

Rangoli: Bon voyage

Dear friends
My daughter see your all posts... she is enjoyed and then sending another one participate for Bon voyage...

Rangoli: Bon voyage theme

Lata Mam, i am sending the shell kolam in the theme of Bon voyage!... this kolam was drawn on yesterday night 10.30pm.... just i am trying.... friends your views...
