HAI viewers,
The Joker dotted kolam drawn by me... for 1st April 2011.
dots : 7-7
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- 15-1
- lotus-a
- 9 dots 9
- Birds kolam
- Happy Holi
- flower kolam
- birds kolam
hai viewers
today morning i draw this kolam on lotus.. i think u like it..
dots : 15-1 straight dots..
free hand kolam
i draw this kolam on sittu kuruvi kolam for ikolam viewers... my daughter coloured it...
hai everbody,
I wish u all happy Holi and Panguni Uthiram, this kolam drawn by me; dedicated to ikolam viewers.
This is dotted kolam for flowers and lamps...
one day i draw this kolam on welcome New Year 2011
dots : 13-7
i draw the pencil coloured kolam birds with flowers... and lamps..
dots : 21-1 straight dots.