

Rangoli: Tear drop rangoli
Rangoli: Stars kolam
Rangoli: Grapes kolam
Rangoli: Dotted kolam
Rangoli: Net Design
Rangoli: Kutti Kolam
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Tear drop rangoli
  • Stars kolam
  • Grapes kolam
  • Dotted kolam
  • Net Design
  • Kutti Kolam
  • Step kolam
  • Flower kolam
Rangoli: Tear drop rangoli

Here is another version of tear drop kolam. We put this for Chittirai Thirunaal.13-7 cross dots.

Rangoli: Stars kolam

15 - 8 cross dot kolam. Stars with diamond on the outside.

Rangoli: Grapes kolam

I started this kolam without any design in mind,turned out to be a flower and grpaes kolam.

Rangoli: Dotted kolam

I made this kolam at my daughter's place where no neighbours put kolam.Everybody appreciated it and some tourists took photo too.
Dot count; 11x6. Interlaced.

Rangoli: Net Design

I made this kolam when I was out of white kolam powder,but came out good.

Rangoli: Kutti Kolam

Just a simple kolam made within 5 minutes before it get too dark in the evening

Rangoli: Step kolam

My grand daughter call this "Step Kolam" and she helped colour it too.

Rangoli: Flower kolam

Kolam made to celebrate blooming of beautiful flower in our garden
