Dear All, sharing free hand rangoli, which I have put in front of my house. Thanks. Usha.
- Freehand
- Tulasi Pooja
- Free Hand Rangoli
- Free hand rangoli
- Deepavali 2012
- Deepavali 2012
- Rangoli
- Rangoli
Dear All, After seeing recent kolam shared by Deepa, it reminded me of the same Rangoli which my Grand-Mother was expert at. When I watched my Grand-Mother drawing it in my child-hood. I would wonder if I can ever even try to draw it. Finally, yesterday I dared to draw it for Tulasi pooja. Thanks to ikolam for bring back my old memories. Regards. Usha.
Dear All, Sharing another free hand rangoli. This was on the first day of Deepavli this year. Took half an hour to finish it. Thanks Usha.
Dear All, Here is another rangoli drawn on 2nd Day of Deepavli this year. Its again a free hand rangoli. Took 45 minutes to finish it. Thanks. Usha.
Dear All,
Belated Deepavali Wishes to you all!! Sharing Rangoli drawn on for this Deepavali. Its a free hand rangoli. Took an hour to finish it. Regards. Usha
Dear All,
Here is another free hand Rangoli which i tried recently. Felt like sharing it with you all. Regards. Usha.
Dear All, Felt like sharing this rangoli, which I put recently...As you an see its a free hand rangoli. whenever I would see this rangoli drawn in front of any house wanted learn this one.. finally could learn it looking at our ikolam site..It took about 15 minutes to complete it. Thanks. Usha.