Hai Friends!!! I made this kuzhal kolam today, the same kolam I gave demo during our Chennai meet. I pray the almighty for the happy & safe Diwali for our all ikolam members & thier family
- Kuzhal Kolam
- Hurry Kolam
- Navrathri Special - VI
- Navrathri Special - V
- Navrathri Special - VIII
- Navrathri Contest - 2010
- Navarathri Contest
- Navrathri Special - VII
Since I have to move out early in the morning, I made this kolam in very hurry. Your views plz....
Hai Friends....!!! I made this kolam on Friday (8th day of Navrathri)with wet maavu. This time I made this maakkolam in rangoli type, hope u will like this.....
Hai Friends…
I made my golu with 9steps. The detail from the bottom to top as follows
Step – 1: Full of vegetables & Fruits made out of wax
Step – 2: Chettiar & Chettiar amma with Rice, grains, salt, tamarind, weighing scale, gall petty, their house nearby and other goddess like Natarajar, Annapurani. Panjamuga Anjaneyar & different types of pillaiyar
Step – 3: Ranganathar with parkadal set, Musical pillaiyar, hibiscus pillaiyar & arasa ilai pillaiyar & Geja Lakshmi
Step – 4: Ramar Pattabishekam, Sai Baba, Nithya Kalyana Perumal, Pambatti with snake & Kuravan
Step – 5: Dasavathar set with Namam, Sangu & Chakkaram
Step – 6: Durga, Lashmi, Sarawathi, Karumari & Vedavathi
Step – 7: Perumal with Tahyar & both the sides Andal & Meenakshi & Kalasam
Step – 8: Lord Shiva, Lakshmi, Murugan & Swaminatha Swamy
Step – 9: Lord Krishna. Pillaiyar, Annamalaiyar & Ummamaliamman.
Hope u all enjoy may golu. Exp your valuable comments
Hai Friends…
This is an additional theme to our Golu. Instead of keeping all lakshmi in one row I made an arrangement like Astalakshmi temple in Besant Nagar, Chennai. I’ve planned to make a set up like sea shore near by, but due to lack of time & space I arranged with the relevant accessories for each goddess. Details from top to bottom
1. Iswarya Lkshmi – The goddess who bless us with prosperity, hence I kept house, land, bank balance nearby
2. Dhana Lakshmi – The goddess who bless us in financial aspects, so I kept money around her.
3. Vijaya Lakshmi – The goddess who bless us for Victory. So I kept some of the Award like stuff nearby
4. Dhanya Laksmi – The goddess who bless us with food & grains. So I kept different grains around her
5. Santhana Lakshmi – The goddess who bless us with good children, so I kept small children around her
6. Vidhya Lakshmi – The goddess who bless us with education & Art. So I kept books, pen & pencil near by
7. Geja Lkahmi – The goddess with Elephant, so I kept elephants near by
8. Veera Lakhmi – The goddess who bless us for courage, so I kept sword near by.
Hope u all enjoy my golu. Let all the goddess bless our all ikolam members in all aspects… Expecting your valuable feed back…..
Hai Friends!!!! I made this kolam on 7th day of Navrathri. I like to colour the full kolam, but lack of time. Your views plz....