What a great speech and what a great country!

Watched the second inauguration of President Barack Hussein Obama, whose father is from Kenya and whose mother is from Hawaii and who spent his childhood in Indonesia. What a great speech from him! The oath for the VEEP was administered by Justice Sotomayor, of Hispanic origin. When we arrived at Purdue in 1980, there was still cross-burning on the campus, yes even as late as in the early eighties. From those days to a reelected president of Afro-American origin, what a great transformation! Today is also the birth anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. I have heard in my time great orators like C P Ramaswamy Iyer, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and several others. Martin Luther King Jr was again such a great speaker and I am always impressed and greatly inspired by him. I was fortunate to have visited his memorial at Atlanta a few years ago. What a diversity and what a great country my adopted land is! Regards! - J K Mohana Rao

P.S. The video may be watched here - http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/inauguration-2013-president-obamas-2nd-inaugural-address-full-18274078

Lata's picture

Yes, it was a great speech! A great ceremony!
A great anthem sung by an amazing voice. I'm looking forward to her voice again real soon ( Super Bowl).
We came in the early nineties and have seen some of the transformations.

jkmrao's picture

Well, the amazing voice after all was from her track with live lip sync! Regards! - mOhana
