What a great speech and what a great country!
Watched the second inauguration of President Barack Hussein Obama, whose father is from Kenya and whose mother is from Hawaii and who spent his childhood in Indonesia. What a great speech from him! The oath for the VEEP was administered by Justice Sotomayor, of Hispanic origin. When we arrived at Purdue in 1980, there was still cross-burning on the campus, yes even as late as in the early eighties. From those days to a reelected president of Afro-American origin, what a great transformation! Today is also the birth anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr. I have heard in my time great orators like C P Ramaswamy Iyer, Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indira Gandhi and several others. Martin Luther King Jr was again such a great speaker and I am always impressed and greatly inspired by him. I was fortunate to have visited his memorial at Atlanta a few years ago. What a diversity and what a great country my adopted land is! Regards! - J K Mohana Rao
P.S. The video may be watched here - http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/inauguration-2013-president-obamas-2nd-inaugural-address-full-18274078
Mon, 2013-01-21 11:12
Yes, it was a great speech! A great ceremony!
A great anthem sung by an amazing voice. I'm looking forward to her voice again real soon ( Super Bowl).
We came in the early nineties and have seen some of the transformations.
Tue, 2013-01-22 11:53
Well, the amazing voice after all was from her track with live lip sync! Regards! - mOhana