to the admin

i am not able to uploadany more photos in this ikolam the following is the nessage that i receive if i upload any.

please suggest remedy

:"The selected file P1160010.JPG can not be attached to this post, because the disk quota of 28 MB has been reached"

ammuchandhini's picture

Dear try to resize ur image by making it a bit smaller and then see if u can upload....coz i have seen latha saying this often to all members who face this problem...try and let us know...

Lata's picture

Please try again, should work.
Thanks Rani.

bsindhuja's picture

Dear Ms. Lata,
I am also facing the same problem as v2k. This Wednesday I could upload 3 images (with file sizes from 220 KB to 1.1 MB). But today, even with a image size of only 510 KB, I am getting the message "The selected file Padikolam.JPG can not be attached to this post, because the disk quota of 28 MB has been reached". I have even tried out Ms. Rani's suggestion and reduced image size to 360 KB - it still doesn't work. I had even e-mailed you regarding this issue some time back.

Pl help me when you are free. Thank you.

Lata's picture

Please feel free to call me Lata, Sindhu Smile
I see that you were successful in uploading 3 of your files just yesterday. You might want to follow the same procedure you did the last time, because I see that the file sizes are much smaller than what they were previously, and that makes the kolam image load much faster when it gets displayed. Thanks. I'll look into your account once the current ones are published from your account. All of your designs look quite artistic and colorful, thanks for the continuous treat. Smile

bsindhuja's picture

Thanks for helping out, Lata. I'll wait till these images are published before trying any further uploads. Thank you also for your sweet appreciation of my work... Smile

Pragaya's picture

Lata Ma'am, yesterday and today, I tried uploading one kolam, but failed. Half-way through the link snaps. Please help.