Time has changed (Is it true?)

Yes, the time has changed. But, not the mankind. Nowadays a few of us (ladies) and most of our daughters started to engage themselves in some kind of occupation. Ladies can manage even very hectic and responsible posts very well as the menfolk do or even better than them. We have to manage the house hold work along with the official work and also all sorts of mental stress at home. And, most of us succeed well in all those responsibilities. Even, it is scientifically proved that women's brain is somewhat different and more stress bearing (stress managing)than that of men's.
You may be wondering what I am talking about and how is it related to this heading. The topic came from an advertisement about sanitary napkin which must have been seen by almost all of you. They are telling that the time has changed. But, only the way of delivering a message has changed in the media. In most of the advertisements, women folks are shown as though they run behind any person for something which they like. And the way they have shoot the ad is very much embarrassing. In most of the ads, women are used like toys for nothing. Why don't they include men in the ads for any women accessories? There should be some opposition for such things.
I wish some action should start opposing this type of misuse and exploitation of women.
We are arguing for 33% for ladies in parliament but these things are ignored by common people because they are being attracted and brain washed by the colourful ads. We are expressing our thoughts against westernization of our younger generation. But we do not bother much about such ads.
Though we are getting modernized, the male dominating society is still trying to keep us below them. So, we must educate our children (whether sons or daughters) in proper way to treat everyone equally and not to misuse their rights upon the other gender.

indulatha's picture

of course, time has changed, Our way of thinking has changed. We women want to prove our talents and abilities in as many ways as possible. In the society, we have proved our power in all the roles given to us. At home, we are perfect home makers, mothers, daughters in law, sisters in law and what not. After satisfying all these responsibilities, we have to deliver our best to satisfy our boss. Have you ever thought that you are also a human being who is made of flesh and blood as every other person in the family? You also have your desires and wishes which are always pushed to the end of the list where your family commitments always stand first. You have to hide all your talents behind the mask of your family. But when you get time to do what you wish to do, already you passed 3/4th of your life. Then comes your responsibilities with your grand children. I don't mean to say you have to ignore your family to come forward. The family must understand their womenfolk and make way for their easy living instead of extracting as much as possible from them.
Dear sister, we have changed in many ways, but the attitude of the society towards women have not changed. Unless we fight to come up , nobody will do it for us. Because this situation is very convenient to men where they get everything easily done through women in some form ( mother, sister,wife,daughter etc.)

jayamohan's picture

Brindha, I totally agree with your last line!

myownself's picture

Very true, that the responsibilities of women have increased and time and again we have proved ourselves that we can perform better than men. But the outlook towards women in our country has remained the same. As Indulatha says- a woman is looked upon as a mother, a daughter, a sister, a daughter in law and so many relations, but is she ever treated as an individual human being? And yah, most of her life is over just dutifully bound with these, which is really great, but no personal life remains for her, which is the reward she gets for all her selfless performance.

It is more suffocating when a girl is equally educated as a boy, but not allowed to show her capabilities. There are communities which still do not want the women to either work out or do business or participate in intelligent decisions or discussions in families, treated as second grade members of the family, insulted every now and then and expected to respect all the men folk(and the in lawas), no matter what treatment she gets from them, and keep performing her duties like a dummy. How long can the intelligence and capabilities be curbed like this? In those cases where a woman can go professional, she has dual responsibilities- the male folk would not bother for home or kids or understand the emotional stress she under goes. Ultimately the woman is frustrated, depressed and so over worked that she just does not remember that she is an individual entity too.

A small handful of the women may be a little luckier than the others, but yet the condition of women is very pathetic in India and quite a number of other under developed and developing countries. A long way to go, and seeing things as they are, it is difficult to predict anything.

Coming to the ads where women are picturised only as things of pleasure and all those negative things, there are so many factors- the attitude of the male dominating society, the selfish manufacturers who want to sell at the cost of ruining the image of a woman, who they call a devi but treat as toys of pleasure and the woman herself who does the ads without even bothering about how it would affect the society. So howmany things can be changed and what reforms can come is a very serious thing to think of.

No, I am not pessimistic in my approach, but still these are all very difficult tasks. It is difficult to challenge the male domination and the male attitude towards women as from time immemorial woman is treated as a property and not as a human being. If et al any woman tries to live like a human being, she is curbed off or her path is laid with so many obstacles that only a very lucky few can cross those barriers and come out a winner.

Lata's picture

Dear myownself, you've made some good points to think about. Smile
I think poverty plays a big role in making some women and girls agree to do certain ads.

myownself's picture

I agree, poverty plays a big role. But all models are not poor , and then how selfish our values are that for money or rather survival, a few girls allow themselves to be used such that the whole womankind faces the consequences. They get paid for, but multiples of their number of women are victimised because those unwarranted ads further pollute the minds of mischievious males.

brindhanagesh's picture

I am happy, it is generating some discussion.