query on rangoli

Dear I Kolam friends,

I have been asked to do the Kudai-thaamarai kolam for a function in Kerala. Could any of you please explain this kolam as I am not aware of such special names. Hopefully awaiting your responses as this has to be made this weekend itself!!! Help!!!


anirudh's picture

Kudai-thaamarai... is it umberella shaped lotus? if yes, then you can try many designs from Lakshmi ma'm's gallery, there are many more in our site, but big elobarate ones here,

aditya's picture

Many thanks Anirudh and Rajamma mam. guess I will have to try one of Lakshmi mam's creations, though it is a big challenge for me as I have never tried such big kolams. Wish me luck and thanks again!!!

rajamma_2's picture

Kudai-thamarai kolam ? may be the one in Jayanthi(jnt) madams gallery