Peacocks and pineapples

I just love crocheting...I do it as a hobby, I just keep doing one after the other

Peacocks and pineapples - peacocksnpineapples.jpg
Lata's picture

Oh my, what a treat! I keeps coming! What more can I say, beautifully made.

Nalini Venkatesh's picture

thanks lata, if you could put up all these in the craft section under crochet it would be great and easy for the viewers to see.

umaraja's picture

fantastic wk,, can it be done colored?

nithyaashok's picture

Beautiful. Such a heavy treat in a single day.

ammuchandhini's picture

Lovely pattern nalini mam....

smahalakshmi's picture

Nalini, hats off to your creativity. It's God's gift for you.


vijaysowmya's picture

Wow!!!Another beauty this one is!!!