Interesting pictures-26 - Babysitter!

Here is a nature-picture forwarded by my friend. Hope you find it interesting.

Interesting pictures-26 - Babysitter! - ATT1373436.jpg
lakshmiraghu's picture

hehehe nice baby sitter!!!

ashanagendra's picture

Lovely photography!!!

Sarasp's picture

Honest 'n' faithful babysitter unlike the Bangalore ones! Do u all agree with me..


sudhabalakrishnan's picture

its very lovely

Nalini Venkatesh's picture

so cuteeeeee

rajamma_2's picture

Weird..... the chick seems to think itself as the dog and the dog seems to think itself as the chick sleeping underneath the chicken for warmth!ரொம்ப நகைச்சுவையாக இருக்கிறது!!!


judelined's picture

I can see a very confused look in the eyes of the hen... she must be wondering how a pup hatched from her egg??