How to fold Origami berry/ fruit

Here is my first video on Origami. Its origami berry, which i did for the veggie garden. Will upload flowers next week. - Happy folding.

lata, not sure how to add into my gallery, hence providing the link here.

alboabr's picture


Lata's picture

Nice demonstration! This is beautiful and so useful! Thank you so much. A nice accompaniment to your veggie-patch strawberries soon to be released in the next couple of days. Smile

P.Veni's picture

very nice and beautiful.Thankyou

jkmrao's picture

Dear alboabr,

Why do you throw cold water on other people's hard work? Instead of just saying "useless" with three exclamation marks, why don't you give "useful" suggestions to make it better? It is okay if you do not like it. But please keep it to yourself and remain silent instead of being frankly hostile.

- mOhana

rajamma_2's picture

Well said Mr.mOhanaji.

alboabr's picture

i am very very sorry..
i just as it is typed....again i am very sorry to all.

anirudh's picture

thanks lata.... i think the audio was not so clear, hmm may be should script out before the act Smile

thanks mOhanaji, rajammaji....yes it would be helpful to get tips/ suggestions to make the videos better....will try in my next.

dibbutn's picture

Wow Anirudh finally I get to see your work on Youtube and I am so glad ... feels like a member of my family's work has come on it and we are all very PROUD of you and your work.... Good work!!!

gvidhya's picture

Hey Ani... Good presentation.. Steps were easy to follow.. (But u know what.. i m so environmental freindly n this time also i dont wanna waste paper :)))))))))))))))))

viji_j86's picture

Hai Ani,
I liked it pa

anirudh's picture

thanks a lot pushpaji.

thanks Vidya....hehe good support for the environment Smile ....but i am not going to give away like that...why dont you use the waste papers only, like those pizza/advt pomplets comming with the newspaper....i normally try new patterns with them ...good idea na??? Smile

thanks vijiji.