Bal Vihar closing dates
Hari Om! Chinmaya Mission San Jose has the following Announcements:
1) Bala Vihar Closing for the Holidays
2) New Year's Retreat -- Dec. 31, 2009 - Jan 3, 2010
3) Holiday Season Sleeping Bag Seva
1) Bala Vihar Closing for the Holidays
On behalf of CMSJ, we wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. The last day of instruction for Bala Vihar
for the Fall session is this coming weekend. Please make a note of these dates listed below.
Saturday, December 12, 2009 for Fremont and Danville Locations
Sunday, December 13, 2009 for San Jose Locations
There are no Bala Vihar classes during the weekend of December 19th/20th.
Bala Vihar classes will resume after the New Year.
Saturday, January 9, 2010 for Fremont and Danville Locations
Sunday, January 10, 2010 for San Jose Locations
2) New Year's Retreat with Acharya, Br. Prabodh Chaitanya -- Dec. 31, 09 - Jan 3, 10
Ring in the New Year with a family style camp and retreat with our Beloved Acharya, Br. Prabodh Chaitanya.
Acharya will be speaking on one of the most inspiring sections of Gosvami TulsidasJi's Sri Ramacharitmanas,
Kiskindha Kanda. Since this is a family style camp, apart from the discourses, we will have fun and exciting
activities for children, study group sessions for adults and above all, free meals and snacks for everyone. This
is a registered event and we request all those interested in participating to register at the earliest so that CMSJ
teams can make all necessary arrangements to ensure everyone's comfort. Registration is via the CMSJ website at In addition, there are several free public programs during the retreat.
We encourage everyone to visit the website for all details.
3) Holiday Season Sleeping Bag Seva
Holiday season is here. It is time of the year to help the needy in our community. CMSJ has been helping the needy
in Santa Clara county by donating sleeping bags to the shelters since 1998. Our goal for this year is to donate 250
sleeping bags. Estimated price is $25 per bag. CMSJ requests you to donate generously for this good cause. The
lean-n-needy very much welcome the sleeping bags that we have been providing every year to keep them warm in
cold winter nights primarily because of your kind and generous support. You can drop the check (payable to
"Chinmaya Mission San Jose" ) at the Chinmaya Tiffin Seva booth or with any Chinmaya Mission volunteer.
Thank You and Hari Om!