Our Golu Themed "108 Divya Desams"

First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a ‘Happy Navarathri’. Our main Kolu is made of 7 steps. This carries dolls such as Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Ganesha, Varahi, Lakshmi Narashimar, Ramar Set, Pandurangan-Ragumayee, Radhey Krishna, Brahmothsavam, Dasavatharam, Ashtalaklakshmi, kal garudan, Guruvayurappan, etc

The main theme of our golu this year is "108 Divya Desams"

The shrines, where the divine saints, Azhwars, said to be the Amsams of Narayana, have sung – Mangalaa saasanam, are called Divya Desams. There are 108 Divya Desams; 105 are located in India and 1 is in Nepal. The remaining two- Parama padam and Thiruppaarkadal - are in the celestial world. The presiding deities in these Divya Desams are found in various Thirukkolams (postures):
Nindra Thirukkolam (Standing posture) in 60 Divyadesams.
Veetrirundha Thirukkolam (Sitting posture) in 21 Divya desams
Kidantha Thirukkolam (Sleeping posture) in 27 Divya desams

We have divided the golu into three based on the postures:-

Nindra Thirukkolam portrays temples such as "Nithya kalyana perumal Temple, Thiruvidanthai", "Sri Gajendra Varadhan Temple, Kabisthalam", "Sri Varadharaja perumal Temple, Kanchipuram", "Sri Kallazhagar perumal Temple, AZhagarkoil", "Sri Parthasarathy Perumal Temple, Thiruvallikeni", "Sri Ulagalandha Perumal Temple, Thiru Oooragam", "Srinivasa Perumal Temple, Thirupathi", and "Sri Oppiliappan Perumal Temple, Thiru Vinnagar",

Veetrirundha Thirukkolam portrays temples such as "Thiru Dwaraka, Gujarat", "Sri Nava mohana Krishna, Gokul", "Sri Lakshmi Narasimhar Perumal, Thiruvalli", "Sri Prahaladha Varadhan, Ahobhilam", "Lakshmi Hayagreeva Perumal, Vennaththankarai", "Thiru Ayodhi, Vasthi" and "Sri Lakshmi Narayana Perumal Temple, Nenmeli"

For Kidantha Thirukkolam portrays temples such as "Sri Vadabatrasaayi Temple, Srivilluputhur", "Sri Ranganathar Temple, Srirangam" and "Thiruparkadal, Celestial World",

Hope you all enjoy our Golu and thanks for visiting!

Contest entry Golu Contest - 2015: Our Golu Themed "108 Divya Desams" by vid_nand


chandy's picture
