
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Navagraha Kolam - Khuja Bhagvan - tuesday
  • Navagraha Kolam - Raahu Bhagavan - tuesday
Navagraha Kolam - Khuja Bhagvan - tuesday
Created by Lata on 2005-12-19,

The Navagrahas are the nine important deities of the Hindu religion. They represent the nine planets in the celestial world. Khuja or Mars is one of them. The Khuja-navgraha kolam is drawn for the positive influence of the planet Mars. This kolam is recommended to be drawn on tuesday mornings.

Navagraha Kolam - Raahu Bhagavan - tuesday
Created by Lata on 2005-12-19,

The Navagrahas are the nine important deities of the Hindu religion. They stand for the nine planets in the celestial world. Since Raahu is a planet like entity, it is considered unique to the hindus. Raahu-navgraha kolam is recommended for tuesday mornings.