
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • tirukkuRaL (1.1)
  • Kolam with thirukural couplets
  • Pongal celebration
Rangoli: tirukkuRaL (1.1)
Created by jkmrao on 2009-02-11,

Inspired by SelvAnaMdiji's kOlam, I created this rangOli tirukkuRaL (1.1).

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Kolam with thirukural couplets
Created by SelvaAnandhi on 2007-12-05,
This rangoli was published on 2007-12-05.
Rangoli: Pongal celebration
Created by SelvaAnandhi on 2007-12-02,

SelvaAnandhi's pongal kolam design consists of both traditional dotted kolam design and colored rangoli. The design also includes the couplet #629 from Thirukural.