Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
- Sunflower
- Mala_kolam
- Entrance decoration for Exhibition
- sunflower - let's get growing
- Sunflower bouquet
- Rangoli
Created by Radhikha 3 on 2010-12-20,
This is the decoration which I did for my college dept.function's Exhibition, here I made sunflower Name board (Zany'10) using yellow colour chart paper, thermacoal & velvet sheet.On both side of its entrance I have hung hand made flowers coloured with colour pencils,chart and stuck to a thread and placed on wall vertically.same flower hangings are used to decorate empty space of walls inside the hall also.
Created by pavan kashyap on 2010-05-04,
hi this is a design made of sunflower and its leaf made in photoshop .this is for let's get growing....
Created by sjnt on 2009-06-16,
These are paper sunflowers made into a bouquet. Any orders?
Created by preethirajaganesh on 2009-03-24,
This is a free hand rangoli. I saw a rangoli in a shape of sunflower so i tried with that concept. but the center part was copied from a temples ceiling.