
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Sponge Rangoli
  • Sponge Rangoli
  • Sponge Rangoli
  • Sponge Kolam..
Rangoli: Sponge Rangoli
Created by r.suganthy on 2011-10-24,

1.Take a Plastic plate.
2.Cut the Sponges in required design.
3.Arrange it on accodingly.

Rangoli: Sponge Rangoli
Created by r.suganthy on 2011-10-22,

1.Select any Rangoli design.
2.Cut the Sponges in required design.
3.Paste it on accodingly.

Rangoli: Sponge Rangoli
Created by r.suganthy on 2011-06-20,

1.Cut the Sponge sheet according to the required design
2.Paste it .

Rangoli: Sponge Kolam..
Created by r.suganthy on 2009-11-26,

This was prepared for our marriage house.
1.Spread any Light Colour Sponge for the base.
2.Cut any Dark colour Sponge to the required design.
3.Paste it using Fevicol.
Surely this will give a Grand Look for marriage houses.