
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • OctasOna - 3x2
  • OctasOna - 2x3
  • A novel sOnA square
  • One that gave me pleasure !
  • Another chikku kOlam with a modified sOnA pattern
  • Another new insight into sOnA patterns
  • Another twist to the sOnA patterns
  • Sona hexagon - 2
  • sona hexagon
  • Guess who?
Rangoli: OctasOna - 3x2
Created by jkmrao on 2011-10-15,

This is a sOnA pattern with octagons. The basic motif is an octagon arranged in three rows and two columns. This motif is rotated in steps of 45 deg and joined together at the corners. The resultant pattern has an eight-fold symmetry with two colours (red and cyan). The whole pattern looks like a fan with two sets of eight blades in opposite directions. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: OctasOna - 2x3
Created by jkmrao on 2011-10-15,

This rangOli is made of octagons. A basic motif of octagons in two rows and three columns is chosen and rotated in steps of 45 degrees. The point of contact is a corner of the octagon. Such a layout has two lines (sandal and cyan). In the central space is a regular 2x3 sOna square with octagons that has two lines (green and purple). The symmetry of the whole pattern is 422 (a vertical four-fold axis or 90 deg rotation and four two-fold axes (180 deg rotation) in the plane of the figure. A flower at the centre and lamps at the four corners adorn this pattern further. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: A novel sOnA square
Created by jkmrao on 2011-02-09,

This is a novel sOnA square. In my blog , I tried to reproduce the rangOli of Mrs saumyA vijay. While the outer pattern is exactly similar to hers, the inner pattern of mine is quite different. I drew a single line pattern for the same dot motif. With that inner pattern of mine, I made a sOnA square with two lines. This is a pattern that can be drawn on a 9 x 9 dot pattern (white dots, green dots are for ornamentation, they do not count). With the remaining dots at the centre, I made a svAstika. You may also see tiny lamps (five dots with a green centre) and kuttuviLakkus distributed throughout. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: One that gave me pleasure !
Created by jkmrao on 2011-01-28,

This dotted rangOli, a modified 3 x 5 sOnA pattern, gave me lot of pleasure in its design and execution. Hope you too will be as pleased.

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Another chikku kOlam with a modified sOnA pattern
Created by jkmrao on 2011-01-11,

Top right - 3 x 4 sOnA pattern - single line
Top left - 3 X 4 sOnA pattern with gaps between dots (1,3) and (1,4) as well as dots (3,3) and (3,4)
Bottom - Pattern with two lines after placing together the four-fold related patterns (90 degree rotations) obtained from top left pattern.

Enjoy - Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Another new insight into sOnA patterns
Created by jkmrao on 2011-01-03,

On the top right, we have a 3 x 4 single line sOnA pattern. On the left is a modification of this pattern. The dots (row1-col3), (row1-col4), (row2-col3), (row2-col4), (row3-col3), (row3-col4) have been separated and a new pattern (still single line) has been obtained. These are rotated by 90 degrees and joined together. The orientation of the top left is the same as the one exactly below it. Now as in any sOna square, we get two lines. But this pattern is similar to many of the chikku kOlams our friends draw and upload on the site. People who are looking for novel patterns may try this with bigger dot patterns like 5 rows and 6 columns and in that case we will have a 11 dot square. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Another twist to the sOnA patterns
Created by jkmrao on 2010-12-13,

Here is a new twist to the sOnA patterns. When I formed the sOnA squares, I rotated the basic pattern (say a 4x5 square) by 90 degrees repeatedly and overlapped just one square of the neighbouring patterns. What if one overlaps two squares of the neighbouring patterns? Today's pattern is the answer for that. The basic 4x5 pattern has one line and this has two lines. But the symmetry is quite low, only two-fold or a 180 deg rotation. This line of thinking arose in me after I observed one of Mrs kAmESvarI's patterns and I am grateful to her for opening this new line of research.

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Sona hexagon - 2
Created by jkmrao on 2010-07-25,

This is a sona hexagon made with a 4-3 pattern. Two types of lines only are obtained. See how the linking is obtained. Look at the white triangular chikku besides the other up-and-down threading. I placed in the centre the dotted motif just to fill the space. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: sona hexagon
Created by jkmrao on 2010-07-21,

This is an important (to me) dotted rangOli. many of you may remember I introduced sona patterns some time ago (see my blog and my rangOlis too). When there is only one colour for the rectangular pattern, there are two colours for the sona square. I was for a long time wondering whether I could construct a sona hexagon. At last I did. I took a 3 X 2 sona pattern (in cyan right bottom) and from that constructed a sona hexagon which has, like sona square, only two colours. This is a very important pattern. Most of the chikku kOlmas are drawn for dots in a square grid. But I have shown that we can draw such a pattern for hexagonal grid too (shown on top left as a guide). When rangOlis are drawn on hexagonal grids, three lines meet at a point. In this rangOli, there is a chikku triangle. Look at how the lines go up and down as in the square chikku kOlmas. I will at some time demonstrate this with strings for better understanding. Please study this pattern carefully when you try to draw on the floor or do an embroidery. Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Guess who?
Created by jkmrao on 2009-08-21,

Looks like more and more people are playing with Photoshop nowadays Smile
Who's work do you think this is?
Here is the original description:

This is a sona drawing done with a story behind it.
I chose the number of dots as 11 and 10 for a specific purpose.
11 is the number for Siva. There are 11 forms of Siva, EkAdaSa
rudra. 10 is the number for vishNu, with ten avatArAs. These
two can be connected with a single line going through all of them.
This shows the unity between the two.