sea shells

Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Sea-shore rangoli
  • Puratasi 1st saturday
  • Sea shells
  • Seashells rangoli
Rangoli: Sea-shore rangoli
Created by rajamma_2 on 2012-11-19,

Recently we went to Pune for holidays and visited a beach near a place called Divyagar. The beach mud was so soft, silky and wet.Could see so many design's drawn on the soil by the waves.I just took a plastic spoon found there and drew this design. with in few minutes the waves pulled the kolam inside the water. Just had the time to click.

Rangoli: Puratasi 1st saturday
Created by julien on 2011-09-26,

This free hand rangoli was done on 24th sept... but i was choose this kolam was cruise theme... there is no time... so today i draw fish, sangu with flowers, how is my creation friends...

Rangoli: Sea shells
Created by smahalakshmi on 2011-08-22,

Lata, I could see some seashells also in the cruise picture attached by you. Hence I'm submitting my paper work on a simple and well known seashells kolam. If it is related to the cruise event, you can attach it there or else add it to my gallery. Friends, please let me know your comments.

Seashells rangoli
Created by Lata on 2004-01-13,

Please click on the blue arrow located at the bottom of the dot grid, to view the animation.