
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • navaratri kolam
  • Navaratri Kolams
  • Stencil Designs
  • Romantic Rangolis
  • rangOlis with safety pin
  • Rangoli
  • Rangoli
  • Blue flowerpot
  • Portable Rangolis
  • Portable Rangolis
Rangoli: navaratri kolam
Created by bhagwathi on 2013-10-20,
This rangoli was published on 2013-10-20.
Rangoli: Navaratri Kolams
Created by indu.rkc on 2011-10-06,

Hello Everyone. How are you all? Its been a long time. Have been busy with a few other things. My new upload is a collage of 9 kolams of the faces of Durga that I put outside our home on seperate days to celebrate Navratri.
Happy Navaratri to All!

Rangoli: Stencil Designs
Created by vijaysowmya on 2011-02-04,

I am uploading my stencil collection as Judy wished to have a look of them all. this is my first set and i will upload another set later.

Created by Lata on 2010-02-14,

Romance will be in the air at ikolam, and we're excited!

Everyone has their own way of celebrating Valentine's day. We have our own unique way too.

Receiving a romantic rangoli is ikolam’s dream and can turn any shivering days into the sunniest. And in honor of Valentine’s Day this upcoming Sunday, we would like to request one of your red, white and pink romantic rangolis.

Do you have any special favorites? We’d love to see and read about them.

You do have a few days to post, and in the meantime, we'll try to feel content with our dish of red and pink M and M’s. Smile

Romantic souls:

Judy, Lakshmi Devi, Subashini , Pushpa, Rajamma, Vyjayanthi, Anirudh, Brindha, Sudha, JKM, PreetiN, Vidhya, and ofcourse the Kalaimani family.

Please visit: Romantic Rangolis

Rangoli: rangOlis with safety pin
Created by jkmrao on 2009-02-16,

Here are a few rangOlis with a safety pin! Enjoy!

Regards! - mOhana

Rangoli: Rangoli
Created by indirasundhar on 2009-01-13,

To draw this rangoli, my child also gave me some tips (colours, designs).
She is very interested to see ikolam rangolis.

Rangoli: Rangoli
Created by indirasundhar on 2009-01-13,

I like flowers very much, so I draw flower rangolis. I will post more rangolis but in the paper.

Rangoli: Blue flowerpot
Created by lakshmiraghu on 2008-07-21,
This rangoli was published on 2008-07-21.
Rangoli: Portable Rangolis
Created by lakshmi jagannathan on 2007-11-15,
This rangoli was published on 2007-11-15.
Rangoli: Portable Rangolis
Created by lakshmi jagannathan on 2007-11-15,
This rangoli was published on 2007-11-15.