
Here are the kolams and rangolis in this page:
  • Rajasthani lady
  • Mandana-Rajasthani rangoli
Created by Dr.Rekha Shetty on 2022-10-14,
This is a freehand rangoli.
Rangoli: Mandana-Rajasthani rangoli
Created by Lata on 2013-03-20,

Here comes my version of rangoli on the door. I've tried one of Mr.Lakhichand Jain's Mandana design, on one of my closet door. I had painted a big portion of it maroon, last year, to make such designs, but it was used mostly by Surik for her drawings. Smile
I've used my daughter's white paint, and a little bit of orange. This is my first attempt, and I used an earbud to draw this Ganesha. Next time, I would try with brushes in different sizes to get more control. Smile

A little bit about Mandana, a Rajasthani rangoli:

This folk art makes use of red sand (geru) and chalk powder and is applied on floors and walls, especially on auspicious occasions and festivals.

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